Format of Wavelength Solution Dictionaries

This page explains the organization of wavelength solution (WLS) dictionaries. These files are only used for inspection and analysis of the wavelength solutions, not by the pipeline itself as part of recipes.

Organization of WLS Dictionaries

WLS dictionaries are (currently) per CCD, so there will be two WLS dictionaries per WLS. (We might update this.) They are organized hierarchically with by orderlet, order, line, as shown the example below:

wls_dict = {

wls_processing_date: datetime of running WLS code
cal_type: ‘ThAr’ or ‘LFC’ (etalon not included yet)
orderlets: { list of orderlet_dict dictionaries named ‘CAL’, ‘SCI1’, ‘SCI2’, ‘SCI3’, ‘SKY’ }

orderlet_dict = {

full_name: ‘RED_CAL’, ‘RED_SCI1’, ‘RED_SCI2’, ‘RED_SCI3’, or ‘RED_SKY’ (or similar for GREEN)
orderlet: ‘CAL’, ‘SCI1’, ‘SCI2’, ‘SCI3’, or ‘SKY’,
chip: ‘RED’ or ‘GREEN’,
norders: number of orders,
orders: { list of orderlet_dict dictionaries named 0 to norders-1 }

order_dict = {

ordernum: order number,
echelle_order: echelle order number (from the grating equation; not ordernum),
flux: Numpy array of flux values (length = npixels),
n_pixels: number of pixels in order (= 4080),
num_detected_peaks: number of fitted peaks in order,
initial_wls: Numpy array of initial wavelengths (length = npixels),
fitted_wls: Numpy array of fitted wavelengths (length = npixels),
known_wavelengths_vac: Numpy array of line wavelengths (Ang) (length = num_detected_peaks),
line_positions: Numpy array of fitted line centers (length = num_detected_peaks),
rel_precision_cms: estimated relative precision in cm/s,
abs_precision_cms: estimated absolute precision in cm/s,
lines: { list of line_dict dictionaries named 0 to num_detected_peaks-1 }

line_dict = {

amp: amplitude parameter value from the fit,
mu: line center parameter value from the fit,
sig: line width parameter value from the fit,
const: contact offset parameter from the fit,
covar: 2-dimensional covariance matrix from the fit,
data: intensities around line center with implied pixel index starting at 0,
model: best fit model of data,
quality: ‘good’ or ‘bad’,
chi2: chi^2 value for fit,
rms: root mean square value for fit,
mu_diff: difference in pixels between initial guess and fit,
lambda_fit: best-fit wavelength (Ang),

Accessing parts of WLS Dictionaries

Below are examples of accessing the hierarchical structure of a WLS dictionary.

To print the number of type of calibration spectrum (LFC or ThAr):

To print the number of orders in the orderlet CAL:

To print the echelle order number in order 3, of orderlet CAL:

To print the best-fit wavelength of line 2, in order 3, of orderlet CAL: