KPF Pipeline Configs

As described in Getting Started with the KPF DRP, to run pipeline command kpf, two input arguments, a recipe file and a config configuration file, are needed. To build the configuration file, KPF Pipeline uses the configuration language that Python ConfigPaser class implements for Python programs. The syntax of the configuration language primarily consists of key = value, [section name], and # comments (or ; comments) and the configuration file consists of sections followed by key/value pairs of options.

The creation of the key/value pairs, in general, follows the convention as those provided by the ConfigParser classs. Specifically for KPF Pipeline, the key consists of alphanumerics and _ except the keywords defined in KPF Pipeline (e.g. KPFPIPE_TEST_DATA for the path of the test data) and the value is in the form of a string, a number, a boolean, or a list.

For KPF Pipeline, the configuration file needs to include the following three sections. As mentioned in Running a Simple Module, there might be no key/value defined under the section but the section header is mandatory.

# KPF Pipeline logging configuration

# reference used in the recipe in the form like config.ARGUMENT.<key name>

# the path of the configuration file for the module

The section LOGGER contains key/value pairs for the logging configuration for KPF Pipeline, i.e. the second logging source listed in KPF Pipeline Logging. The key name and the value options for the key except log_path are predefined in the logger. Each key gets a default value if it is not set in the section.

start_log = True | False                                # if logging or not, default: False
log_path = <path of the file>                           # path of KPF Pipeline logging file, default: log
log_level = info | debug | error | critical | warning   # logging level, default: warning
log_verbose = True | False                              # if printing the log to the terminal, default: True

The section ARGUMENT contains the key/value pairs referenced in the recipe script. The recipe gets the value of the key in the form of config.ARGUMENT.<key name>.

*** configuration file ***

data_type = 'NEID'
input_flat_file_pattern = '/FLAT/stacked_2fiber*.fits'
data_dir = '/NEIDdata'
obs_list = ['023129', '023815', '024240', '024704', '025129', '025613', '030057', '030724']
max_result_order = -1

*** recipe file ***

data_type = config.ARGUMENT.data_type
data_dir = config.ARGUMENT.data_dir
input_flat_pattern = KPFPIPE_TEST_DATA + data_dir +  config.ARGUMENT.input_flat_file_pattern
obs_list = config.ARGUMENT.obs_list
max_result_order = config.ARGUMENT.max_result_order


Due to the use of Python’s ConfigParser class to parse the configuration file, the keys in sections of the configuration file are case-insensitive and stored in lowercase. Per current pipeline implementation, the recipe should reach the key in lowercase even the key includes uppercase characters. It is recommended to use the lowercase to name the key in the configuration file.

The section MODULE_CONFIGS contains key/value pairs for the path of the configuration file or others which is the module or/and mission dependent. The following example lists the paths of three configuration files for the modules invoked in the pipeline.

order_trace = modules/order_trace/configs/default_recipe_neid.cfg
spectral_extraction = modules/spectral_extraction/configs/default_recipe_neid.cfg
radial_velocity = modules/radial_velocity/configs/default_recipe_neid.cfg

The path defined in the section MODULE_CONFIGS can be accessed from the context passed to the module. The following code example shows how the module OrderTrace retrieves the path of the configuration file with the settings for finding the order trace.

class OrderTrace(KPF0_Primitive)
    def __init__(self,
                action: Action,
                context: ProcessingContext) -> None:

        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
            self.config_path = context.config_path['order_trace']  # config path for 'order_trace'
            self.config_path = DEFAULT_CFG_PATH                         # parse the config file

For more detail, please refer to the source in Order Trace Primitive.