Installing/Configuring the Pipeline Operations Database

The pipeline operations database runs under a regular unix account, and not a root account (in order not to involve special access and a system administrator). A bash script has been developed that does the initial installation and configuration of the the pipeline operations database:


This script also starts up an instance of the database server, so that the database is ready for immediate use. A database superuser will be set up with the same name as the unix account under which the pipeline operations database is installed. Essentially, the owner of the unix account under which this bash script is executed will be a superuser of this database. In the example below, the unix account is “rlaher”.

There are parameters at the beginning of the bash script that need to be reviewed and modified according to the particular requirements and environment of the project. The following are the default values coded in the script:


Notes on the bash-script parameters:


Pathname to KPF-Pipeline checkout of git repository.


Port number of connections from database client applications. Do not specify 5432 (which is the default port number, normally used by a PostgresSQL server running under root).


Pathname to a directory where the low-level database files will be stored. This includes database files for logs, configuration, data tables, indexes, and table spaces.


Name of the pipeline operations database.


Superuser password for the pipeline operations database.


Database user name for non-superuser account (default is “apollo”), for use in pipeline operations. This account has psql-client login privileges, is allowed an unlimited number of database connections, and inherits from ROLE kpfporole, which generally has table grants for INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, REFERENCES (no DELETE or TRUNCATE).


Password for the apollo database user.


URL from where the PostgreSQL-database source code is downloaded.


Pathname to a directory where the database software will be built and the bin, lib, and include directories will be installed.


Locations of the lib directories for the termcap and readline libraries, as well as other libraries required for this database-software build.


Locations of include include directories for the termcap and readline libraries, as well as other libraries required for this database-software build.

The database superuser is encouraged to review the steps in the bash script to gain an understanding of precisely how the database is set up.

After the database-server instance has been started by the bash script, several SQL commands are loaded into the pipeline operations database, in order to set up the required tablespaces, roles, and users:

CREATE TABLESPACE pipeline_data_01 LOCATION '/data/user/rlaher/test/mydb/tablespacedata1';
CREATE TABLESPACE pipeline_indx_01 LOCATION '/data/user/rlaher/test/mydb/tablespaceindx1';
CREATE ROLE kpfporole;
CREATE ROLE kpfreadrole;
GRANT kpfadminrole to rlaher;
GRANT kpfporole to rlaher;
GRANT kpfreadrole to rlaher;
GRANT kpfporole to apollo;

Then, the following SQL files are loaded into the pipeline operations database (in the order listed), which contain the definitions of the database tables and stored procedures required for pipeline operations:


After the bash script finishes, assuming it ran normally, the user will see the following useful output at the very end:

Congratulations! Database server is running and database kpfopsdb created.

Stop the server with this command:
/data/user/rlaher/test/pg15.2/bin/pg_ctl -D /data/user/rlaher/test/mydb/dbdata -l /data/user/rlaher/test/mydb/dblogs/log stop

Your /data/user/rlaher/.pgpass file has been augmented with database connection parameters.

Put these three lines in your environment to run the psql client:
export PATH=/data/user/rlaher/test/pg15.2/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/user/rlaher/test/pg15.2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PGPORT=6125

Here is how to connect to your new database:
/data/user/rlaher/test/pg15.2/bin/psql -h localhost -d kpfopsdb -p 6125 -U rlaher

There are currently three database tables in the pipeline operations database: CalFiles, L0Files, and L0infobits. The CalFiles database table stores a record for each master calibration file (many records are inserted daily for biases, darks, flats, arclamps, etc.). The L0Files database table stores a record for each exposure. The L0infobits database table stores definitions of the bit-wise information flags corresponding to the infobits column in the L0Files table (the CalFiles infobits have not yet been formalized into a database table, and are described on Pipelines for Master Calibration Files). These database tables are queried by the pipeline for relevant nearest-in-time master calibration files, and generally for quality-control purposes. Here are the table-column definitions:

-- TABLE: CalFiles

CREATE TABLE calfiles (
    cid integer NOT NULL,                         -- Primary key
    level smallint NOT NULL,                      -- Product level (L0, L1, or L2)
    caltype character varying(32) NOT NULL,       -- FITS-header keyword: IMTYPE in extension 4-6 (lowercase)
    "object" character varying(32) NOT NULL,      -- FITS-header keyword: TARGOBJ or OBJECT (lowercase)
    contentbits integer NOT NULL,                 -- BIT-WISE FLAGS FOR INCLUDING CCDs: BIT0: GREEN; BIT1: RED; BIT2: CA_HK
    nframes smallint,                             -- FITS-header keyword: NFRAMES (GREEN CCD)
    minmjd double precision,                      -- FITS-header keyword: MINMJD (GREEN CCD)
    maxmjd double precision,                      -- FITS-header keyword: MAXMJD (GREEN CCD)
    infobits integer,                             -- FITS-header keyword: INFOBITS
    startdate date NOT NULL,                      -- Start date for application of master (for earliest-in-time selection)
    enddate date NOT NULL,                        -- End date for application of master (may not be used)
    filename character varying(255) NOT NULL,     -- Path and filename of master calibration file.
    checksum character varying(32) NOT NULL,      -- MD5 checksum
    status smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,           -- Set to zero if bad and one if good
    createdby character varying(30) NOT NULL,     -- Script that inserted the record
    created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, -- FITS-header keyword: CREATED (GREEN CCD) in Zulu time
    "comment" character varying(255)              -- Descriptive comment

-- TABLE: L0Files

CREATE TABLE l0files (
    rid integer NOT NULL,                         -- Primary key
    dateobs date NOT NULL,                        -- FITS-header keyword: DATE-OBS
    ut time without time zone NOT NULL,           -- FITS-header keyword: UT
    datebeg timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, -- FITS-header keyword: DATE-BEG
    mjdobs double precision NOT NULL,             -- FITS-header keyword: MJD-OBS
    exptime real NOT NULL,                        -- FITS-header keyword: EXPTIME
    progname character varying(64) NOT NULL,      -- FITS-header keyword: PROGNAME
    imtype character varying(64) NOT NULL,        -- FITS-header keyword: IMTYPE
    sciobj character varying(64) NOT NULL,        -- FITS-header keyword: SCI-OBJ
    calobj character varying(64) NOT NULL,        -- FITS-header keyword: CAL-OBJ
    skyobj character varying(64) NOT NULL,        -- FITS-header keyword: SKY-OBJ
    "object" character varying(64) NOT NULL,      -- FITS-header keyword: TARGOBJ or OBJECT
    contentbits integer NOT NULL,                 -- BIT-WISE FLAGS FOR INCLUDING CCDs: BIT0: GREEN; BIT1: RED; BIT2: CA_HK
    infobits bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,           -- Bit-wise information flags
    filename character varying(255) NOT NULL,     -- Full path and filename
    checksum character varying(32) NOT NULL,      -- MD5 checksum of entire file
    status smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,           -- Set to zero if bad and one if good (verify automatically with
                                                  -- DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords, or set this manually later, if necessary)
    created timestamp without time zone           -- Timestamp of database record INSERT or last UPDATE
        DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    targname character varying(64),               -- FITS-header keyword: TARGNAME
    gaiaid character varying(64),                 -- FITS-header keyword: GAIAID
    twomassid character varying(64),              -- FITS-header keyword: 2MASSID
    ra double precision,                          -- FITS-header keyword: RA converted to decimal
    dec double precision,                         -- FITS-header keyword: DEC converted to decimal
    medgreen1 real,                               -- Median of GREEN_AMP1 image
    p16green1 real,                               -- 16th percentile of GREEN_AMP1 image
    p84green1 real,                               -- 84th percentile of GREEN_AMP1 image
    medgreen2 real,                               -- Median of GREEN_AMP2 image
    p16green2 real,                               -- 16th percentile of GREEN_AMP2 image
    p84green2 real,                               -- 84th percentile of GREEN_AMP2 image
    medgreen3 real,                               -- Median of GREEN_AMP3 image
    p16green3 real,                               -- 16th percentile of GREEN_AMP3 image
    p84green3 real,                               -- 84th percentile of GREEN_AMP3 image
    medgreen4 real,                               -- Median of GREEN_AMP4 image
    p16green4 real,                               -- 16th percentile of GREEN_AMP4 image
    p84green4 real,                               -- 84th percentile of GREEN_AMP4 image
    medred1 real,                                 -- Median of RED_AMP1 image
    p16red1 real,                                 -- 16th percentile of RED_AMP1 image
    p84red1 real,                                 -- 84th percentile of RED_AMP1 image
    medred2 real,                                 -- Median of RED_AMP2 image
    p16red2 real,                                 -- 16th percentile of RED_AMP2 image
    p84red2 real,                                 -- 84th percentile of RED_AMP2 image
    medcahk real,                                 -- Median of CA_HK image
    p16cahk real,                                 -- 16th percentile of CA_HK image
    p84cahk real,                                 -- 84th percentile of CA_HK image
    comment character varying(255),               -- Reason for status=0, etc.
    CONSTRAINT l0files_ra_check CHECK (((ra >= 0.0) AND (ra < 360.0))),
    CONSTRAINT l0files_dec_check CHECK (((dec >= -90.0) AND (dec <= 90.0)))

-- TABLE: L0infobits
-- Definitions of infobits for L0Files table only
-- (CalFiles infobits have different definitions).

CREATE TABLE l0infobits (
    bid integer NOT NULL,                        -- Primary key
    bit smallint NOT NULL,                       -- Bit number (allowed range is 0-63, inclusive)
    param1 real,                                 -- Parameter 1
    param2 real,                                 -- Parameter 2
    param3 real,                                 -- Parameter 3
    created timestamp without time zone          -- Creation timestamp of database record
        DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    definition character varying(256) NOT NULL,  -- Definition of bit and parameter(s)
    CONSTRAINT l0infobits_bit_check CHECK (((bit >= 0) AND (bit <= 63)))