Running a Simple Module

In the /examples directory, you should find several pairs of recipe and configuration files. For now, we focus on a recipe file, simple.recipe, and a configuraton file, docs_simple.cfg.

The simple.recipe contains two lines:

from modules.Trivial.KPFM_Trivial import KPFModExample

This states that the KPFModExample, located at modules/Trivial/, is running as the only module in this pipeline.

The configuration file, docs_simple.cfg, contains:

# Pipeline logger configurations
start_log = True
log_path = logs/pipe_log.log
log_level = info
log_verbose = True

# for recipe


Note that sections [ARGUMENT] and [MODULE_CONFIGS] are empty, since the module we are executing does not need any of these settings. However, the sections must still exist in the configuration file for the pipeline to be properly initialized.

For more detail regarding the structure of KPF Pipeline configuration file, please refer to KPF Pipeline Configs.

To run this pair of files, execute the following command:

kpf -r examples/simple.recipe -c examples/docs_simple.cfg

If everything runs smoothly, you should see the following printed to terminal:

[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Pipeline logger started
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Finished initializing Pipeline
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Pipeline logger started
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Pipeline logger started
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Finished initializing Pipeline
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Finished initializing Pipeline
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Starting new log with path: pipeline_20230613.log
[KPF-Pipe][INFO]:Starting new log with path: pipeline_20230613.log
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:*************** Executing recipe examples/simple.recipe ***************
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:Module: subrecipe_depth = 0
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:Added KPFModExample from modules.Trivial.KPFM_Trivial to event_table
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:Queued KPFModExample with args "name": KPFModExample_args; awaiting return.
[KPFModExample] missing log configuration...not starting a new logger
[KPFModExample] Performed!
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:Module: subrecipe_depth = 0
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:Assign: result <- KPFModExample done, type: str
[pipeline_20230613.log][INFO]:exiting pipeline...

Continue to KPF Pipeline Logging for explanations on what these messages mean.